
Customized Guidance for Doctors 

You can rely on us to provide customized guidance to manage and protect the wealth you’ve worked so hard for.

As doctors one thing is certain: you’ve worked hard. You do your best to make the right decisions at the right times and the result? You’ve earned the right to work even harder. The backbone of our community and the reason parents can sleep well at night — because they know you’re there for them. We all know you’re there for us.

We’ll work with you and your team of professionals to create, implement and manage a plan focused on the needs of your practice as well as your personal goals and dreams.

You’ve dedicated your lives to keeping yourselves fully informed and up to date on the newest medical advancements and for all this, you deserve each and every dime you earn. With your demanding schedules, something has to give – and unfortunately, as we see time and time again, it’s your own financials that pay the price.

You’re likely giving away far too much money in taxes and paying unreasonable portfolio management fees which only works against the overall purpose of the advisor-client relationship. Whether you’re incorporated or not, ready to retire or just starting to build your practice, our tailored financial plans for doctors will do one of two things: confirm that you are doing everything right or bring to light those strategies which are missing. We will redesign your entire financial structure for you and give it to you in black and white. Tax efficiency and wealth management at its pinnacle. We get it — you put your patients first. At Rosen Group Private Wealth Management, we put clients like you first.

Our Commitment To Putting Doctors First

At Rosen Group Private Wealth Management our commitment to you is reflected in our Mission Statement. Simply put, our business is people and their financial welfare. This means that first and foremost our clients always come first.


Investing is essential to achieving your financial goals. We provide a variety of investment strategies tailored specifically for doctors, ranging from advanced options and professional portfolio management. 

Winding Down Your Corporation

As a doctor you have built a community of patients and staff. When it is time to close one chapter and open another there are many decisions to make. If you are considering winding down a practice, here are some of the key steps to consider.

5 Financial Tips for Doctors

As a doctor your focus is taking care of your patients. At Rosen Group Private Wealth Management our focus is making sure you have the knowledge and the tools necessary to take care of your financial portfolio.


or more of Canadian physicians are incorporated

Source: The Globe and Mail, 2014


of doctors are over 65 years old

Source: CBC – ‘More Doctors Keep Working After Retirement Age’ April 2011


or more of Canadian physicians are incorporated

Source: The Globe and Mail, 2014


of doctors are over 65 years old

Source: CBC – ‘More Doctors Keep Working After Retirement Age’ April 2011

Invest in yourself. your future.